GoGo Code
Online Web App

This is our new we-based app used to communicates with the GoGo Board. It allows you to test the GoGo Board’s functionalities.

This is the chrome app used to communicates with the GoGo Board. It allows you to test the GoGo Board’s functionalities. You can configure the GoGo Board to work with add-on modules including the Raspberry Pi. While the app is running, you can program the GoGo Board using Tinker.
Legacy GoGo Widget
Version 1.4.3 (See what’s new)

Notice. With the release of the GoGo Widget Chrome App, we will soon be ending the development of this desktop version.
This is the main software that communicates with the GoGo board. It allows you to test the GoGo Board’s functionalities. You can write Logo programs and configure the board to work with add-on modules including the Raspberry Pi. You need to run the GoGo Widget when using Tinker.
GoGo Board Firmware
Version 40
(Right click and choose save)
This is the latest GoGo Board firmware. New functionalities and fixes are included in each new update.
Raspberry Pi Image
Version 2.2.0 (For Pi 1,2 and 3)
This is the Raspberry Pi Image. This image works on Raspberry Pi versions 1, 2, and 3. We use a 8 GByte SD Card. See how to write the image to an SD Card.
- Version 1.3.17 – What’s new?
- Download Windows setup
- Download OS X zip (Soon)
- Required board firmware
- GoGo 5.x requires firmware version 31
- GoGo 4.x best firmware is firmware version 112 *
- Version 1.3.16 – What’s new?
- Download Windows setup
- Download OS X zip (Soon)
- Required board firmware
- GoGo 5.x requires firmware version 31
- GoGo 4.x best firmware is firmware version 112 *